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Friday, March 1, 2013

Education and its way

M. Shahinur Kabir

Assistant Teacher


Education which is regarded as the chief pillar for a nation’s development is to be brought in our mind regarding its present state whether it is going on appropriately or any modification is required in respect of its main objective. Before that we must thing what education aims at and what it should do for us.
Education is the system that develops our mind through our formal learning at an institution. It is such a method that helps us to win over the obstacles of our mind. It is compared to the light which removes the darkness of our mind and helps us to differentiate between right and wrong. It gives us a kind of teaching that inspires us to face any problem of our life with courage and go ahead in the long run. Education creates a kind of sensibility in our mind that makes us confident and helps to express ourselves with mental energy. But what kind of education am I talking about? Is it the same education that we give in our institutions all over the country.
Education is not at the position where it should be. Does our education fulfill all the conditions of any of the conditions properly? I think that the reply will come negatively from the people who ponder over the matter. This has been and has been being accomplished with the thought of making good results. What we mean by results is a sheet in which we can see the marks of different subjects. Most of the people will agree with me on this point that the students aim not at learning but at the sheet that shows their number of subjects.
The only thinking that works in the mind of the students as well their parents is to make good results and it does not matter what the students have learned. While going to teach the students, we see that their tendency is to complete the syllabus for the exam. It they are taught any important thing that is needed for learning, they won’t show curiosity about this. They will only comment that this item is not in their syllabus. This thought of picking up more marks than others prevents them from learning the things which are necessary for future life.
Even the item in the syllabus is learned with a view to having more marks and the main purpose behind giving that item in the syllabus does not fulfill. For example, the students are being taught Voice change but the problem is that they are interested to learn only the rules like present indefinite tense is followed by am/is/are to make into passive voice. They are not willing to learn what the meaning of the sentence comes after making it passive. Many students of even higher classes can make into active or passive without facing any problem but they do not show interest in the matter for which that item meaning voice has been included in the syllabus. Here also we see the clutch of the mental pressure of getting more marks than others.
Reading for doing better in the exam wastes the natural talent of a student. This tendency takes away the sleep not only of the students but also of the guardians of the students. What the students can learn naturally and more easily becomes hard when they think that the item must be captured, otherwise they won’t secure more marks than others.
Neither some teachers nor majority of the guardians insert the thought in their mind that something is more important than learn with the sense of duty. The little kids are getting twisted not only by the pressure of their books but also by the mental torture of their parents who want to see their children first in the class. Parents are likely to do anything for getting the highest marks in the class and it hardly matters what they learn or not. This tendency is see when we seen the guardians being obstinate to get even one mark that may have been missed out in any kind of examination. This is why we are getting many students having good certificates not having good brain. Can this kind of certificate lead them to the right way of their life? I think this won’t be possible regarding the present percept of education. Education has deviated fro the way where is should be. It does not   satisfy the demand that it should do.
The method of teaching as well as attitude towards education must be changed. The statistics of results in the last few years show that in J.S.C, S.S.C. and H.S.C. exams A+ students are increasing but does it prove that the quality of students is developing? I think majority of the people won’t accept their development of quality. We must not defy good results but with that results the objectives for which education has spread must be inserted among the learners. We should give them inspiration but that inspiration is to make them real learners who can learn on the basis of morality, being confident, getting the correct method of living, exact concept of life and livelihood etc.